Sunday 15 May 2016

Savour 2016

On my ride, on the way to somewhere with lots of yummy food~~~~~~~~~~
Here we are!
The Savour Gourmet held between 12-15 May, it was a visit that I really enjoyed, except for the hot sun :/ Then again, thankfully it wasnt rainy else would have been disastrous >_< 
Went to the Martell booth to check in my registration and saw the barista busy preparing orders~
 Here are the choices I get to choose one, repeated orders will be charged as stated~
Decided to go for the Honey Martell Sour~ It is soooo good!
Taking a look at all the pop up restaurants~
 Looks so yum, and I saw many people ordering this, so gonna try this one!
 Looking so good too~ How to decide?
 I'm so tempted by the pork ribs~
 Truffle spotted!
 I spot something sold out! Is it so good?!
 Another item sold out!
 All looking so good too~
 I see a lot of people going in, let's check this out!
Air con!
 I had Lavendar soft serve when I was in Hokkaido's Tomiya Farm which I blogged about it HERE, so skip for this~
 Alaska crabs
 Fish anyone?
 More than 20 types of OYSTERS! But min 12 pieces T.T I want to eat more diff stuffs~
  Iberico Pork
 No.1 in Japan!

 They were so kind to make me a platter that has no beef!
 More meat! I tried their truffle salami before, its GOOD~

 Caviar anyone?
 Olives for you?
 Just look at the sexy leg~ It taste really good!
 Into the Cheese Room with more than 200 diff types of cheese~

 France goods~
 Chocolates <3
 One of my idol goods, Jamie!

Came out and saw the weather not so hot! 
After trying out so much food indoor and buying so many things, feeling tired and wanna sit and rest. Wish I wasn't alone, there is a limit to how many things i can eat >_< I want to eat so many things! 
If you can spot the guy is carrying a baby! I secretly wonder when he eats oysters, will it drip on the baby head >_< Tough been a dad, carry baby around!
The first bite is LOVE for this dish <3 I love the smoothness of the angel's hair, well balanced seasoning and made me want a second or third helping!
So much LOVE and they DONT have this lobster pasta on their restaurant menu! WHY~~~~~~~~~They only have it in prawns T.T
Taking a sip with the refreshing water~
Next dish, Egg Confit~
 OMG the yolk is orange in color! and this is REALLY GOOD~
 They gave me brandy but I had to threw this amount away cos I drank too much earlier already @_@
And guess who I saw walking pass by me? 3-Star Michelin Chef from Hong Kong's Bo Innovation, Mr Alvin Leung! 
I had such a great time, though I'm lugging bags of shopping around and pack + deliver for Maro, I hope he enjoys it as much as I did! Much thanks to the organizers and chefs / Staffs/ crews for doing all these, enduring the hot sun, you all deserve a good rest after these~ Looking forward to the next event <3

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