Saturday 11 February 2017

75CL Wine Tasting Lab

Headed out today for the wine tasting at 75CL, thank you for having me~ Looking forwards to California wines, and see if there is anything nice to bring home too! Today I'll be going with Ayumi and my good friend, Noriko <3 So happy to hang out with her each time :3 She is the kind of friend where you can sit with, without saying much, but you felt like you had the best conversation ever!
Ayumi's OOTD
Here we are at the place~ Spacious and pretty!

Lovely Noriko~
Taking my pick~
Ayumi, who was busy taking pictures around the place XD
A good place to chill and discover new wines~
Really like Noriko's dress backview <3 So cute!
I made a new friend, Daniel, who is a wine enthu and taught me so much about wine today~ He was also there for the wine tasting, and drank almost all the wine there before! ;o He is a walking wine dictionary! Haha~ 
Here is what I brought home today, cant wait to try it!
The location is pretty near Ikea Alexandra, so pop by if you are nearby to check them out! 
Thanks for reading, cheers!
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Singapore 159351

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