Sunday 5 February 2017

Haru Chat Lunch

Thanks to everyone who came for the Lunch Chat, we were expecting about 10 pax and ended up having 18 pax! As we were waiting for the food, we were exchanging views and tips about the theme, Cosplay.
 Lil Ayumi joins wearing seifuku for the very first time!
Selfie with THAT face lol! 
Waves~ Missing late comers XD
It was relaxing and fun to hear from different people their share of story, not forgetting enjoying the food. 
Some selfie!
Introduced COSCOS after our meal followed by collection of door gifts. 
Checking out the products~
Selecting door gift
Ended the session with playing pool. 
Skills were put to a test!
Great Sunday spent with everyone, hope to see everyone again during the next Lunch Chat <3 On a side note, thanks for all the concern too, I'm ok now <3

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