Saturday 18 March 2017

Being an Empath

Recently I come across a term for a group of people called Empath and I realize how much I am one Highly empathic people (HEPs) myself. It so totally explains exactly how I feel etc. Reading articles online sort of excites me, it makes me feel. No, I am not alone. No, I am not weird. No, I'm not a crybaby. No, I'm not crazy, haha! There are so many explanations and ways to protect ourself. Hope this litle article of mine, gathered from various online sources and summarized by me will help fellow Empaths out there <3

What is empath?
The trademark of an empath is feeling and absorbing other people’s emotions and/or physical symptoms because of their high sensitivities. We have the ability to understand and share the emotions of others. We have the ability to place ourselves in another's position. Empanthy is seeing with the eyes of others, listening with the ears of others and feeling with the heart of others.

Traits of an Empathic people:
  1. Highly sensitive
    We have this special ability to feel and absorb the emotions of other people. 
  2. Empaths absorbs other people's emotions.
    We feel everything, even to an extreme. Not just the positive vibes but also the negative vibes.
  3. Many empaths are introvert
    It can be mentally tiring to absorb all those emotions and feelings yea? Smaller groups are better for us.
  4. Empaths are highly intuitive
    We build our own intuitive and gut feelings about people. It saves us a lot of positive relationships and avoids emotional vampires.
  5. Empaths needs alone time
    From time to time, we need alone time to recharge, we are not robots haha, its really awesome, even if for a brief moment~ All we need is nature!
  6. Empaths are target for energy vampires
    Sadly, because we are empathic towards such people, they takes advantage of us. It just saps us of our energy and peace of mind. 
  7. Empaths have a huge heart, many times giving too much
    We always try to relieve the pain of others, its too natural for us to try reach out and ease their pain.
Some examples of what an Empath can tell about fake people:
  1. Someone acting like a pushover, so others will automatically accept them. 
  2. Someone who smiles and acts friendly, but is really seething with anger and hatred. 
  3. Someone who feels vulnerable and insecure, yet tries to act tough. 
  4. Someone who forces themselves to act a certain way, which goes against their personality. 
  5. Someone who constantly says nice things (without meaning them) to gain acceptance. 
  6. Someone who lies or exaggerates stories so others will like them.
How an Empath react to fake people?
  1. We avoid them, we trust our gut more especially which have been proven right too many times.
  2. Feels dreadful and uncomfortable around them and we will leave.
  3. Couldn't exactly pinpoint where, or explain clearly but we KNOW. 
  4. Feel drained easily.
What are emotional vampires?
People who suck optimism and serenity right out of you. They do more than drain your physical energy. The most malignant ones can make you believe you're unworthy and unlovable. Others inflict damage with smaller digs to make you feel bad about yourself.

What are the main types of emotional vampires?
  1. The Narcissist
    To them, its usually everything ME, ME, ME. People too full of themselves, hog attention, crave admiration and have an overdose of self importance. This type of dangerous people lacks empathy for others and have a limited capacity for their unconditional love.
    Counter via keeping expectations realistic, avoid at all costs falling in love with one. Never confide your deepest feelings to them. 
  2. The Victim
    Grates on us with 'Poor Me' attitude. its always the world is against them, and the reason for their unhappiness. Everything is at fault except themselves.
    Counter via setting kind but firm limits. Dont believe everything they say nor try to help them. There are real victims out there which we can use our time better with.
  3. The Controller
    They tries to control us, what we should do and what we shouldn't. They have an opinion about everything and even lame things like who you can meet or who you can befriend. They ignores your feelings and emotions.
    Counter via being healthily assertive. Be confident!
  4. The Constant Talker
    They dont care about our feelings. They only care about theirs, what else? Even if we edge backwards, they only move in one step closer. Stepping on your feelings is nothing to them.
    Counter via speaking up and standing firm, even if its tough. 
  5. The Drama QueenThey have a flair for small incidents into off the chart to dramas. They enjoy magnifying small matters.
    Counter via staying calm and taking deep breaths. Set kind but firm limits.

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