Friday 3 March 2017

Hope For Paws

How many of us seen sad stories of abandoned/stray animals and wished we could do something for them? Some may say, I don't have enough time or I don't know how I can help etc. Well, to be simple, help can come in all forms, not just physically help. One can advice another friend, not to buy a pet on impulse, or give pets as presents (unless you are sure, the receiver can handle it), or simply help those who specialize in saving the abandoned/strays.
I love my baby boy a lot, those affection eyes and adorable faces, thou he pees anywhere and mess up the papers (but cos I love him, I dont mind cleaning n bathing him). Those strays/abandoned were loved before, and suddenly being all alone, it is really really sad and helpless out there.

Dogs are really one of the most devoted and affectionate pets, they can feel whenever we are feeling down, even thou it may be just a simple paw pat to check on you~ They don't deserve such fate to be left in the world alone on their own :'(
Came across this channel while watching Youtube videos, I am really amazed how the team worked for stray animals, giving them medical care, love, and hope for homes. However all these do not come for free, let's do a bit of our part to help such kind souls here~
Even when I dont make a lot of money, I'm making a small effort to help out here, everytime I buy meals for my boy online, I'll minus USD$5 worth of treats to make a donation. Or you can minus that one cup of Starbucks to help them out too~ It can be recurring monthly or one time donation. 

Youtube - Click Here
Website - Click Here
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Donation - Click Here

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