Sunday 7 January 2018

Samantha Thavasa Celebrity Cafe

Situated at Solamachi lv 1(Skytree), one can visit this adorable cafe that caters to Samantha Thavasa fans~ Samantha Thavasa is a popular ladies handbag brand, often found in ladie's malls. Perfect stop for a little adorable moment resting while shopping at the mall~ It is actually located almost at the very end of the mall, so dont worry, you'll find it, just keep walking till you pass the bookstore at level 2, and take the escalator down, continue walking to the end!

 Affordable prices for super adorable sweets!
 Gifts to bring home~
 Oh super yummy, not too sweet~
 A little drink to stay hydrated~
 Adorable seats~
 My seat~

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