Saturday 25 February 2017

Up and personal with Xandria Ooi

Feeling really excited to meet Xandria today~ There were a total of 75 ppl in this workshop, wow! Was really shy when I stepped in and Xandria was amazed with my unicorn hair and suddenly, many people were looking at my hair >__<

Really enjoy having Xandria sharing lots of her views and secret to being happy, always! It always inspires me a lot to hear from successful people about life. 
Xandria sharing 1 of 7 important tips of staying happy and positive~ Here we have 'How the sound matters more than you think'
Next, 2 of 7, we have 'Have the giver and not the receiver mindset'
3 of 7,  'Say something nice'
4 of 7,  'Bring your own sunshine'
5 of 7, 'Be grateful for the small things'
6 of 7,  'If only verus at least'
7 of 7,  'Dont give your power away'
We also had the honor to hear about some views and advices on handling tough situations from Xandria's mom~ 
Summary at a glance~
I apologize not being able to elaborate about the pointers for each of them, cos firstly, many people paid to attend this workshop, and I do not wish to be of any spoiler to Xandria's future workshops. But if any of you have the chance to listen to her in real life, really, just go for it! Each of these pointers leaves everyone thinking deep, and I'm sure anyone will definitely benefit from them. 

After the talk, we had some planning worksheets to work on things we want to change in our lives~
Next we have Q&A time, a lady went up to her and Xandria share her point of view with us on how to handle such issue~ Having always encouraging the others around me in my life, and handling some really hurting and disappointing situation, especially recently, I decided to learn from her how to handle MY situation. As we all knows, there is a saying when one can help a lot of others, but when it comes to themselves, its different. 

Those who knows me in real life or have been reading my blog, may already know how much I went thru recent years. In my mind, I know really well that staying hurt and upset is NOT worth it, especially against a childish liar. But somehow my heart refuses to cooperate and my chest pains really frequently and its affecting my health. As I was talking about it, I actually start to choke on my final words and Xandria immediately came to me and gave me a hug, right there! 

Hearing how she encourages me and how to heal etc, really touches me. She even ask me to just cry it out even if it takes 2 weeks... But the last time I did, I cried non stop till I almost went blind, and got warning from the hospital doctor to really just stop crying. Memories of the past gushes in and tears start to roll from my eyes...right there, infront of everybody there :( Xandria was really sweet and full of empathy, she gave me another hug again, as if to ease my pain and hurt from me. I am deeply touched and grateful. I aim to heal completely. Never to trust people who are fakes, (pretending to care so much about you in your face, only to bitch so much untrue things about you behind your back) or users (people who only want to use you to get closer to what they desire) or hits woman (due to bad anger management), remove toxic/drama people in my life and focus on the people who loves me and not let them worry for me anymore <3 I WILL be healed and happy always~

She continue the final bits of sharing her daily life matters and incidents, and I really appreciate her jokes etc that made me laugh, even after tearing. Yup, its not about tearing cos we were hurt badly, but with her help, I'm actually able to smile/laugh thanks to her jokes. Really happy to take a selfie w her too, but due to having tears rolling down my cheeks, my foundation and blusher were kinda ruined, had to edit to salvage this pic >_< 
Xandria and Ayumi~ Gonna share with Ayumi about how to grow up being positive and happy always too! Will print this pic for her ^_^
Last but not least, I will like the share my most favourite video of hers!

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