Saturday 8 April 2017

COCO Chanel Cafe

The very first Chanel pop up cafe in Singapore~! Take a moment to savour the latest CHANEL beauty collections in a cafe-themed experience. So much raving about it and long queue could be seen for walk ins. It will be in Singapore from 8th till 16th Apr, and as far as I know, pre reservations are already FULL! It is held at Visual Arts Centre, Dhoby Ghuat Green.
Ayumi was really excited when she saw the huge balloon!
The COCO Cafe
The queue is OMG~ Even those who pre-registered had to wait about 2hrs due to the overwhelming response! At the door, I've seen many who cant wait and had to gave up, feeling disappointed. There were also tourists that wanted to go in so badly. I am really thankful to them for making an exception for us, really thank you so much. We were directed to the art room to wait for a while~ Inside there were some painting on going, so we all decided to have our artistic moments lol! 
Ayumi really enjoying herself~ I had to keep bugging her we can enter the main area already!
Noriko is doing her masterpiece~ Don't she look so gorgeous today?
Two busy bees~
Here is my masterpiece~ Gonna frame this up!
Inside the pretty cafe~
Enjoying my hot drink~
Cute display here!
With any purchase, one get to taste their exclusive cakes!
Jams anyone?
Many cute lip lolipops for everyone~
There are two nail stations, one photo kiosk, as well as many beauty stations!
Ayumi enjoying her juice~ See her art masterpiece?
Noriko & me <3 Spot my pretty nails in red?
Completed a new look!
Ayumi couldnt resist to try this pretty shade of pink, the testers there are all brand new!
Ayumi trying out a pretty gloss with their disposable stick~
Pretty shades of gloss
 More makeup~ The others were crowded with excited ladies, only managed to snap a shot of these!
Not forgetting the fragrances~
Its nice to be sitting and seeing green view on the outside~
2 booths of sofa seats indoor~
There are outdoor seats too, among the lush greenery~
Ayumi's happiest items...lolipops XD
Thank you so much to Chanel team for this lovely experience, all the best to the remaining days and stay hydrated in the hot weather!

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