Monday 15 April 2019

JW360°「Japan Way Three Sixty」Jewel Changi

JR East Japan and Mitsui&Co. jointly opening a new café, restaurant and retail shop at Jewel Changi Airport. We are opening our first outlet of “JW360°” at Jewel Changi Airport (Official opening on 17 April 2019) to present the charm and beauty of Japan to the world through Japanese gastronomy. With the concept of “The place where you meet the best of the season in Japan”, you will be treated to exquisite Japanese cuisine of the finest ingredients that are representative of Japanese culinary culture from every region in Japan. We wish to inspire your five senses through our journey, the Japan Way.

JR東日本/三井物産がチャンギ空港大型商業施設「jewel」に、new shop「JW360°」を出店致します。 2019年4月17日シンガポール・チャンギ空港に開業する大型商業施設「JewelChangi Airport(ジュエル チャンギ エアポート)」に、 日本の魅力を「食」を通して世界に伝えるブランドとして「JW360°(ジェイダブリュー スリー シックスティ)」1号店を出店いたします。 「JW360°」は、「日本の旬と、出会う場所。」をコンセプトに、日本各地で育まれてきた素材や食文化を、360°様々な視点からセレクトし、 レストランアンドカフェおよび物販スペースでの展開を通じて、世界中の人々に日本の「食」の楽しみ方をお届けします。 私たちが「食」で表現する「今の日本らしさ(Japan Way)」との出会いが、世界中の方々の五感を刺激する、そんな空間を目指してまいります。 私たちにとって新たな一歩となるこの瞬間を、皆さまと共に迎えさせていただききたく、ぜひご来場いただきたくご案内申し上げます。 皆さまとお会いできることを心より楽しみにしています。

Store Guide
Restaurant - Suju Masayuki
酢重について In 2005, Suju Masayuki opened a small shop in Karuizawa, which is located in the Nagano prefecture of Japan. Focusing on traditional Japanese food, the brand has now developed into 6 restaurants and stores within Japan, where it introduces the basics of Japanese food culture such as miso and shoyu. Based on painstaking and experienced craftsmanship, we believe that the products present a fruitful collaboration with the ingredients. The Suju in Singapore began with the hope to introduce this natural Japanese taste to the global customers. We wish you relish your time at our Suju Restaurant.

2005年、長野県軽井沢町で小さいな商店としてオープンした酢重正之。日本の伝統食材に視点を当て、味噌、醤油など昔から日本の食卓の基本となっていた食材の数々を、今では全国6店舗のレストランや商店を通じてお届けしています。確かな技術で丹精込めて作られた品々は、シンプルにその食材の持つ味を最大限に活かすものだと思っています。 酢重シンガポールは、海外の皆さまに飾らぬ日本の味をご紹介したいという思いから始まりました。 我々の食処が、皆さまの楽しいひと時のお役に立てれば幸いです。
 Home cook food in Japan
 You'll be delighted to know, they also sell some of their miso, vinegar sauces etc. 
 Gorgeous white Sakura in full bloom!
Even on the desk too~
Suju’s interior represents the image of a “Japanese home”, which we wish will offer a cozy time with us. We hope to illustrate the “wa (Japanese style)” atmosphere through the selected platewares, paintings, lighting etc. In addition to this, we share with the local staffs the importance of a caring service and strive to present a comfortable time and space. We wish that your time at Suju will fulfill you with diverse aspects of Japan. 
酢重の空間は、落ち着いてお食事の時間を楽しんで頂きたいと、”日本の家庭”をイメージし作られています。食器のセレクションから絵画、照明などを通じて、和の空間をご紹介しています。また細かなことに気づくことの大切さを現地のスタッフと共有し、居心地のいいひとときをお過ごしいただけるよう心掛けています。 お食事のみならず、様々な側面から”日本らしさ”を感じていただけたら幸いです。
Suju Singapore puts effort especially into “rice and miso soup”, which is the pillar of Japanese dining tables. Brown rice and miso arrive directly from the local market of Nagano. The brown rice, in order to serve in the best condition, is polished every morning and cooked with brass kettle. Fresh fish which is essential in Japanese cuisine, is selected and delivered by air from the Tsukiji Fish Market in Tokyo. We hope you enjoy our sheer Japanese menu, as well as the unique collaboration with ingredients selected locally. 
酢重シンガポールでは、特に”お米と味噌汁”に力を入れてご提供しています。 お米や味噌は地元長野より直送。玄米で届けられたお米は、毎朝店内で精米した後、銅釜で炊き上げていきます。日本食に欠かせない鮮魚は築地市場から選りすぐった旬のものを空輸しています。ローカルの食材を織り込みながら、心を込めた一品一品をご堪能いただけたら幸いです。
I like the cute Sakura Fan! Match my outfit so perfectly! Gonna keep it in my bag always~
Buta Miso Nabe
Oh gosh, I really LOVE this dish! It may have a chunk of spicy miso on top, but its alright~ The udon beneath is SO good too, texture is really chewy and well flavored. Very filling portion, keeps my stomach warm and so happy!
Iberico Pork Misozuke
Not too oily and grilled to perfection, so ladies, do not need to worry about this dish! Their mix rice is good, but their white rice is still the BEST! Refreshing pickles unlike what you ate before, so make sure you try them. The soup have generous amount of good quality seaweed and the soup is so authentic. 
Chicken Nanban
Huge fan of fried chicken? Wait till you try this juicy chicken pieces with their special homemade Tartar sauce!  Their mix rice is good, but their white rice is still the BEST! Refreshing pickles, so make sure you try them. The soup makes me thinks of Japan~
Retail - JW360°
YES! They have quite a number of exclusive Japan imports and I cant wait to try them all! However they are slightly on the pricey side, so maybe a little at a time, else I would have sweep a lot of them home with me.
Seasonal goods that you can check out even in Singapore~
Cafe - JW360° Cafe
Sakura season special! So princess and instagram worthy omg~~~~~Try them before they are gone! 
Sakura Cranberry - Looks so so, but it surprised me, its have a good texture and flavor with every bite! The pretty salted Sakura is really salty thou~
Sakura Raspberry Pie - Surprised by the hidden matcha inside! Overall its great, I love the burst of raspberry, not too sweet nor sour. The pie crust is also well flaked like a lovely croissant. Best to be eaten with hands (like a pizza) cos the fork is a little hard to work with the pie.
Ice cream - At first I was like woah, $7.50 for a scoop? I bet it must be good right? All the 8 flavors are made fresh daily, using JP imported ingredients. They do have their top 3 sellers, but I'll suggest TRY IT ALL, cos why not lol and you will be troubled like me...WHICH ONE?!
Sakura Pearl Drink - Feeling so princess, in such a lovely pink milk drink w pearls! However, I'll take the other 3 anytime over it.
Their friendly staff will let you try them ANYTIME!
Sadly, I'm not a matcha lover, they really look good thou~ How do I know? Cos I see many tables eating them! Judging them by their looks, the Mont Blanc and Mille Feuille looks good!
Last but not least, big thanks to JR East and Mitsui & Co for inviting me down! I really enjoyed myself~ Hearts*

JW360°「Japan Way Three Sixty」
Restaurant Tel: 62432466
Daily 9am - 11pm
78 Airport Boulevard, #01-223/224/225

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