Saturday 28 October 2017

Yokan Collection Singapore 2017

Featuring these famous Yokan~ 

The companies are REALLY generous with sampling, first time in my life, I felt so overwhelmed by those super famous Yokan all in one venue~

Each is made with so much effort, and its too much of an art piece. My heart felt painful when it was sliced... I cant bear to eat them!

 XO Yokan!
 Kinako Yokan, specially made for this event!

Tea Ceremony~

SUPER delicious~ I'm in heaven!

SUPER lucky me to be given the demonstration tea instead of prepared ones! It was perfect~ 
Check these out! Special priced at SGD96!
Speechless~ Super happy! I'm so gonna slowly enjoy them with my family~ Thank you so much for bringing them in for us!
I'm really happy today to be there with my friends and family! My sister, mum, Maro, Suzana & Cunyi~

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