Friday 15 December 2017

60th Harajuku Walk

So after much thinking, I've finally joined the Harajuku Fashion Walk, despite going to Japan 1-3 times a year, probably because I do not know about it. I'm quite a shy person sometimes and being in a big crowd seems a little intimidating for me. So here I am, embracing the autumn coldness, wrapped like a dumpling lol~
 It is really cold, trust me~
Just look at the amount of details!
Super colourful~
 She is really cute! Bubbly and friendly~
 Junnyan, who loves red!
 She's from France!
 From Sydney, thanks for the chocolate!
 Love her kimono~
 Love the happy vibes from our Barbie~
 A very pretty punk~
 Group shot!
 From Hongkong~
 Super shy!
 HAHAHAHHA Bunny dude~
 From CA~
 Really cool dude~
Cute outfit!
 Another fairykei~
 Super friendly~

Super not expecting to see my face here

After the walk, some of us went for dinner~ Mizu Cafe~
 LOOK at my cheese!
A short invterview, I wanted to make a better video BUT I dont have time and no proper editing program T.T
All in all, I am glad i went for this walk, I've made so many new friends just today! And we ALL love Harajuku fashion~ How awesome! I was very happy when Junnyan invited me to another gathering, however sadly I'll be back in Singapore by then...MINNA!!! I'll be back next time whenever I visit Tokyo and we'll hang out again!

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